
Expressive little Sonja | Newborn Photography

15 days old baby girl with dimple on log bed newborn portraits in singapore studio

Check out Baby Sonja’s contented smile and adorable dimple – on the same side of the face as her dad!

Photographing 15 days old Baby Sonja was really fun. She made us laugh and chuckle so many times, because she just had so many expressions throughout her session! ;)

Most newborn photographers will tell you that awake and alert babies are challenging to photograph and they always prefer sleepy babies. Well, we are no exception. :p Sleepy babies are usually much easier to photograph because they do not fuss or struggle when you try to position them.

On the other hand, awake babies are actually lovely to have on set too – because they are so expressive! Just like Baby Sonja over here. She was wide awake pretty much throughout her shoot, and gave us different expressions in almost each and every of her portraits. She has got to be one of the most expressive newborn babies we’ve photographed. Scroll down and let us know if you agree with us? ;)

15 days old awake baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

Babies’ pouts are always irresistible.

15 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

This is so so so cute!

15 days old awake baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

Aww… that innocent puppy-eyes look. This is why we can’t get mad at babies for long. :p And aren’t you mesmerised by her deep double eyelids too?

15 days old awake baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

“I don’t wanna sleep, and what can you do about it?” Haha.

15 days old baby girl in basket newborn portraits in singapore studio

Baby Sonja dozed off for awhile, but not into deep sleep yet. So you can still spot her sweet and dreamy expressions now and then.

15 days old baby girl in basket newborn portraits in singapore studio

15 days old baby girl on log bed newborn portraits in singapore studio

15 days old smiling baby girl on log bed newborn portraits in singapore studio

Another smile to melt your heart.

15 days old baby girl on log bed newborn portraits in singapore studio

15 days old baby girl newborn portraits with dad in singapore studio

This is one very proud daddy over here. :) One of our favourite things about this newborn photoshoot session is the fact that daddy can’t stop smiling throughout it!

15 days old baby girl newborn portraits with parents in singapore studio

A blissful family of three. Do you remember Baby Sonja’s dimple from the first photo? Looks exactly the same as daddy’s, doesn’t it?

15 days old baby girl newborn portraits with mum in singapore studio

Beautiful mother-daughter pair. Mummy doesn’t look like she just gave birth 2 weeks ago – she looks absolutely radiant and gorgeous!

15 days old baby girl black and white newborn portraits with parents in singapore studio

This is so perfect. No wonder daddy and mummy chose this image for their canvas print. :)

15 days old baby girl newborn portraits with parents in singapore studio

We’re so in love with this family portrait and torn between the black & white and colour versions. Which one do you prefer?

To know more about our newborn portraiture sessions, give us a call at 8606 6950 to schedule your studio tour. We would love to meet and chat with your family!


73 Ubi Road 1 #10-60 S408733

+65 8606 6950


67 Ubi Road 1 #10-03 S408730

+65 8606 6950
