Fresh 48 sessions are one of our favourite sessions to photograph, because of how genuine and authentic they are. The excitement, joy and smiles of the parents. The hesitation, curiosity and generosity of the newborn baby’s elder siblings. All these captured on the camera – how beautiful.
“Hello there, I’m new here. Pleased to meet you.”
“I wonder where I am now… This place certainly looks and feels very different from the hotel I was staying at for the past 9 months.”
“Hello meimei (little sister), how are you?”
“Oh dear, meimei is crying! What should I do now?”
“Perhaps a funny face would make her laugh? But oh dear, it seems like it’s not working!”
“There there, meimei. Hush hush, don’t cry.”
“Korkor (elder brother) loves you so much!”
And meimei calmed down shortly after.
Korkor must be wondering, “Why is meimei always sleeping?” :p
Such a perfect family portrait of the four of them, don’t you think so? :)
Showering meimei with so much love and care.
Korkor to the rescue again!
“Korkor is here for you.”
The joy on daddy’s face!
“Welcome to the family, my dear baby.”
Daddy really couldn’t contain his joy and excitement during the photoshoot session. How sweet this is!
“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” ;)
Counting meimei’s fingers happily, while meimei shows a funny face? Haha.
We know that meimei is so so so loved, and will grow up in a family filled with laughter, joy and fun!
To know more about our Fresh 48 hospital photography – feel free to call us at 8606 6950. We would love to meet and chat with you! :)