
Baby Celeste at 13 days young | Newborn Photography

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

We have photographed Baby Celeste’s parents several times, since their engagement days (while they were still preparing for their wedding), together with their extended families. So when they told us that they were expecting a baby, you can imagine how thrilled and excited we were for them! There is indeed so much joy in witnessing a family of two growing to become a family of three. We are so thankful to be a part of their beautiful journey to parenthood. More importantly, we are grateful for the friendship forged along the way – and this is definitely one of the best parts of our jobs, when clients become friends.

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits with parents in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits with parents in singapore studio

A well deserved kiss for mummy J, for all her hard work during pregnancy and labour, and of course, for all her hard work that is to come. ;)

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits with parents in singapore studio

Here they are, now a beautiful family of three.

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits with mum in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits with mum in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits with dad in singapore studio

Daddy cherishing the moments when his baby is still tiny enough to fit into the size of his palms.

13 days old baby girl newborn black and white portraits with parents in singapore studio

Pure joy and bliss. Baby Celeste is indeed so blessed to have such amazing and loving parents.

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

So perfect.

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

The “baby rolls” shot is always a must-have! As long as the baby allows. :p

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

Woke up probably wondering why she was in a different place, haha.

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

Oh, that little smirk.

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

We could stare at her pretty face all day long!

13 days old baby girl newborn portraits in singapore studio

Baby Celeste was born very close to the Christmas season, and of course we had to include some Christmas setups for her shoot.

13 days old baby girl newborn christmas portraits in singapore studio

Hugging her new little friend to sleep.

13 days old baby girl newborn christmas portraits in singapore studio

She sure looks so very comfortable here, doesn’t she?

13 days old baby girl newborn christmas portraits in singapore studio

13 days old baby girl newborn christmas portraits in singapore studio

family heirloom album newborn portraits in singapore photo studio

And this is the heirloom album which daddy and mummy got for their darling baby. So precious, indeed.

If you’d like to know more about our newborn portraiture sessions, give us a call at 8606 6950 to schedule a studio tour – we would love to meet and chat with your family!


73 Ubi Road 1 #10-60 S408733

+65 8606 6950


67 Ubi Road 1 #10-03 S408730

+65 8606 6950
