11 days old Baby Casper was so good to us during his newborn portrait session. He did not fuss much, except for the times when he was hungry and needed to be fed. And he would fall right back to sleep after he had had his milk.
For breastfeeding mummies who are concerned, we are definitely supportive of breastfeeding, and we know how important it is in the first few weeks to build a healthy supply of breast milk. Therefore, do not feel stressed if your baby needs to latch often during the shoot. We always set aside time for your baby to be fed and soothed. Your baby is the little boss during the session and we want to make sure he/she is contented and happy!
A baby brings so much joy to the family.
We never ever get tired of smelling our own babies, do we?
Daddy and his mini-me.
Just look at his baby rolls! Don’t we all wish rolls looked as good on adults as they do on babies? ;)
Those tiny little fingers.
And Baby Casper is awake to play!
Doing some arm stretching exercise after waking up.
“This is the only stage when I look cute with a double chin and I will flaunt it as much as I want to.” :p
That disapproving look. But still so adorable.
Now a beautiful family of 3.
Prior to booking us for their baby’s newborn photoshoot, mummy told us that she loved our style – pure, clean and natural. And after viewing their photos, she said they were exactly what she was looking for. Such words from clients always encourage us so much, and we are really thankful for that.
If you’d like to know more about our newborn portraiture sessions, give us a call at 8606 6950 to schedule a studio tour with us – we would love to meet and chat with your family!